Announcing: Age Against The Machine, Festival of Creative Ageing

We are delighted to announce the launch of Age Against the Machine, Festival of Creative Ageing. This project is co-produced with The Albany and is supported by London Borough of Lewisham’s Cultural Impact Award as part of the Mayor’s London Borough of Culture initiative.
Spanning over 3 weeks in September and October, Lewisham will be a hub of creativity, featuring a range of activities and shows by older artists engaging with the issues of ageing.
With nearly seventy different events ranging from live music, theatre, dance, film and exhibitions, to discussions, pop-up choirs and large scale outdoor performances, Age Against the Machine, Festival of Creative Ageing has at its heart a mission to open up the subject of ageing in our society.
The festival is packed with events aiming to challenge perceptions and attitudes towards ageing, celebrate older people as artists and highlight the ways in which creativity can help us age well and make a radical impact on quality of life.
The series of symposiums, talks and workshops will explore ways the arts can contribute to current debate and practice in care for older people. The festival as a whole addresses a subject and section of society that is often invisible in the public eye.