Experienced Evaluator sought (now closed)

(this position is now closed) This is a great opportunity to be a part of Lewisham’s 2019 Festival of Creative Ageing.
The Albany and Entelechy Arts are looking for an experienced evaluator whether an individual or agency to support the evaluation aspect of our forthcoming Festival of Creative Ageing (working title).
The London Borough of Lewisham was awarded a £216k Cultural Impact Award as part of the Mayor’s London Borough of Culture funding to deliver a Festival of Creative Ageing in Autumn 2019. The Albany, an arts centre in Deptford, is co-producing the festival with Entelechy Arts, an artistic organisation resident at the Albany. The festival will take place from 13 Sept – 6 October 2019.
The Festival aims to challenge the way we perceive ageing and older people and celebrate older people as artists. It will celebrate the ways creative practice can promote positive ageing, making a radical impact on quality of life, and explore ways the arts can contribute to current debate and practice in care for older people.