Griot Chinyere

Artist with peacock feather headress

Griot Chinyere, a member of the griot tradition, is the artistic director of Shanti-Chi and the Nne Agwu Afrakan storytelling festival.

She works with some of society’s most excluded and marginalised citizens with the aim to bring a deep, skilled and ethical inner-standing of the role that storytelling, the oral traditions and creative group work has for the well-being of: elders and their contribution to their community giving them a sense of purpose and well-being; young adults seeking to pave their way in the world and make their mark.

She is an amazing listener and enables the frail and insecure to feel safe and supported to explore new situations. She is a highly experienced theatre maker and workshop facilitator who is able to support the shyest group members into their authority across the generations.

With Entelechy Arts she manages creatively, complex groups of participants with dementia or physical disabilities. She applies her expertise in visioning, designing and structuring new work based on the authenticity of the ideas and choices of participants, enabling people to make their own creative choices. Isé

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