(Closed) Job Alert! Meet Me at… Volunteer Co-ordinator

Entelechy Arts and the Albany are looking for an experienced Volunteer Coordinator to join their unique participant/artist-led project Meet Me At (MMA).
Volunteering is vital to the success of all our projects. Volunteers have been an essential part of Entelechy Arts’ 30+ year history and the role of volunteers continues to grow.
Entelechy Arts and the Albany are looking for an experienced Volunteer Coordinator to join their unique participant/artist-led project Meet Me. The Volunteer Co-ordinator post has been funded by City Bridge Trust for 15 months. Continuation of this role longer term is subject to securing further funding.
Since 2013, Entelechy has partnered with the Albany, the arts centre in which we are resident in Deptford, to deliver the award-winning ‘Meet Me’ programme for isolated older residents of the borough. The apex of the programme is ‘Meet Me at the Albany’ an all-day arts and social club based in the Albany’s café, running 50 weeks per year, jointly led by project participants, led artists and local volunteers. ‘Meet Me at the Albany’ is the hub for a wider body of activities for isolated older people that happen in venues across Lewisham.
We use the arts as a catalyst for isolated older people to meet, share interests and life experience and develop new skills. This provides a means of reducing isolation, creating a sense of belonging, and giving people whose voices are rarely heard, a means of communication and expression. Entelechy’s work centres on collaboration, putting the arts at the centre of a process to achieve more equal, connected and engaged communities.
The Meet Me portfolio of activities includes:
Meet Me at the Albany: weekly transforming the Albany’s café space, inspiring new public events, art creation and programme platforms for and by older people in co-creation with others.
Meet Me at the Choir: rehearsal and performances in Deptford and beyond, having previously performed at the Southbank Centre and Queens House, Greenwich.
Meet Me at the Movies: a programme of film screenings chosen by a panel of older participants.
Meet Me in the South: dancing, improvisation and singing inspired by our favourite movie moments.
Meet Me on the Move: monthly trips out to cultural spaces led by skilled artists.
Befriending: supporting older adults to connect more to new people and the rich opportunities available.
Volunteer training and support programme: to support local volunteers, including older volunteers.
We are looking for an individual who can maximize the potential of our current volunteer operation, recruit new volunteers and develop an ambitious model placing volunteering at the heart of the project and engaging the local community.
Download the full Job Description here
If you have any questions about the position please contact Christine Lee on christine.lee@entelechyarts.org 020 8694 9007