Katie Gill
I am the Office Manager at Entelechy Arts. I provide administrative and marketing support for the team.
Mike Brooks
I am the Director of Entelechy Arts. I work alongside the Board, staff team and our established networks of artists and participants to continue to build on the charity’s aim to make more creative and equal communities.
Rebecca Swift
I am the Creative Director currently leading on our programmes Ambient Jam and Walking Through Walls. I joined Entelechy Arts in 1990, shortly after it began.
Roxanna Kennedy
I am the Programme Coordinator working on Meet Me on the Move, Meet Me at the Movies and Ambient Jam.
Becky Smith
I am the Programmes Producer. I work on Entelechy Arts’ 21st Century Tea Dances and Glorious Age.
Jasmine Sparrow
I am the Relationship and Access Co-ordinator and support older people in Lewisham to become members of Entelechy Arts and the Meet Me programme.
Sophie Merriman
I am the Meet Me Producer, based at the Albany and with Entelechy Arts. I work closely with Entelechy Arts to deliver Meet Me at the Albany on Tuesdays, Remote Clusters and our weekly radio show, Meet Me On The Radio.