[closed] Board of Trustees seeking a Treasurer
We are looking for a Treasurer to join the Entelechy Arts Board of Trustees. The role involves maintaining an overview of the organisation’s affairs; ensuring its financial viability and that proper financial records and procedures are maintained.
Contact details for further information:-
For more information please contact General Manager Christine Lee christine.lee@entelechyarts.org, 07860 740033
Closing date for applications (updated) to: 9am on Wednesday 21 April 2021
About Entelechy Arts
Entelechy Arts is a charity based in Lewisham, South East London. We produce projects which powerfully test the boundaries between art, creativity, care, wellbeing and community.
We believe in the creative power of the individual, and that everyone should have the opportunity to contribute to the creative life of their local community. This richness in sharing stories and experiences of those who can often feel underrepresented, encourages stronger communities, changes perceptions, and ultimately helps people live healthier, happier and more connected lives.
We produce vibrant and important cultural programmes, created by and for the communities we work with, namely isolated older people, those living with profound and multiple disabilities, and those living in care home environments, enabling them to play an active and visible role in the creative life of their community.
Our programmes are often developed in partnership with organisations from across the arts, health and care industries on a local and national level.
We work with a pioneering and diverse range of artists across all art forms, who collaborate with our communities to meet, celebrate, and experience each other and the world.