
In Sickness and in Health: Reflections on Our Commitments To Nature, Nurture, Care, and Caretaking—As Artists and Citizens—During Climate Crises by Zsuzsi Soboslay

Photo credit: Andrew Sikorski


Zsuzsi Soboslay is an artist/creative, writer, researcher and embodiment practitioner who has worked several times on secondment with Entelechy in their Meet me at… and Ambient Jam events (2015-17).

We previously shared a link to her thesis in our newsletter: https://entelechyarts.org/zsuzsi-soboslay-shares-her-thesis/

This week she shares with us another, more recent, article, which explores the notion of commitment and truth in storytelling, and also evaluates working in conditions of dramatic and traumatic change. What could it be like to practice embodied care relations with all things in and around us – the living and the dying, the hopeful, the struggling, animal, vegetable, mineral and human? Why should we try to do so? The question is an ethical one, deeply compatible with the care ethics of Entelechy’s working processes. 

Read Zsuzsi’s Article Here

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