Meet Me… at Lewisham Homes

Photo credit: Emma Crouch

Meet Me… at Lewisham Homes was a 3-year project (2017 – 2020) led by the Albany and Entelechy Arts in partnership with Lewisham Homes, supported by the Baring Foundation and Arts Council England’s National Celebrating Age programme. Meet Me at Lewisham Homes is one of a suite of projects in the Meet Me… programme, working with formerly isolated older people across Lewisham.

Meet Me… at Lewisham Homes delivered creative projects in Independent Living schemes, commissioning specific artistic projects and co-creating work in the heart of people’s homes and communities.

In 2020, Covid cut the project short and as everything moved to the phones and postcards, the film maker Emma Crouch was commissioned to digitally document and create an online platform to share the fantastic work that was created and celebrate the wonderful people that took part.

Discover the digital archive here.

Discover Emma Crouch’s project ‘Let’s get together’ here.





Project page image: Roswitha Chesher

Images on this page: Janita, Nigel, Milly, Christian, Joyce and Dorothy

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