Home » About Entelechy Arts » Opportunities
Here you will find current opportunities to work or volunteer with us. Please get in touch if you have any queries. info@entelechyarts.org

We are looking for new volunteers!
We are looking for new volunteers to join the Meet Me team to support Meet Me at the Albany in person and remote activities…

[Closed] Recruiting: Artist Mentor (freelance)
We are looking for a freelance Artist Mentor to support the Associate Director and their creative practice…

[Closed] Recruiting: Interim Director
Our current Director is moving on after a successful and popular period at the company, and we’re now looking for an Interim Director to lead us for the next 6-12 months…

[Closed] Recruiting: Finance and Monitoring Manager
We are looking for a Finance and Monitoring Manager to join our team to oversee the financial and reporting aspects of the charity…

[Closed] Recruiting: Relationship & Access Co-ordinator (Maternity Cover)
We are looking for a Relationship & Access Co-ordinator (Maternity Cover) to support isolated older people to connect to our Meet Me programmes…

[Closed] We’re looking for a Trustee and Safeguarding Lead
We’re looking for someone who believes in the mission of the charity and can bring new skills to our dynamic Board of Trustees…