
Redmond White

Redmond is an ICAEW chartered accountant who currently works as a consultant. He has previous experience providing audit and accounting services to companies in London and Hong Kong. During his time in Hong Kong he witnessed first hand the importance of arts and culture in creating inclusive communities…

Jane Senior

Jane is an Associate Director for Strategy and Commissioning working in local government. She is a Lewisham resident and enjoys singing in a local choir. Jane joined in December 2022 as the Safeguarding Lead for the Board.

Rosaline Muirhead

Rosaline was one of the original members of Meet Me at the Albany when it started in 2013. She is glad to have found such a unique space for the over 60’s. Rosaline joined the board in 2021 as she wants to use her experience as an older person and women of colour in the community to inform the direction taken by the organisation.

Donell Atkinson-Johnson

Donell is a writer and director from Lewisham and recent film graduate. He has been making films from a young age and is a fan of stories in all mediums. Donell is currently working in video production whilst developing his next short film project.

James Bird

James is Senior Advisor, External Affairs and Policy at Southbank Centre having been Head of Arts at the Department for Digital, Culture Media and Sport. He became a Board member in December 2018…

Louisa Borgcostanzi-Potts

Louisa is currently the Programme Producer for Fevered Sleep and joined the Entelechy Arts board in 2017 to support their urgent and innovative work with historically marginalised individuals and groups…

Alison Rich

Alison is a Board member at Entelechy Arts.

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