Our project with Chris Green is in The Guardian
The immersive show ‘The Home’ is bringing its audience face to face with their possible futures: as vulnerable elderly people in residential care…
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The immersive show ‘The Home’ is bringing its audience face to face with their possible futures: as vulnerable elderly people in residential care…
In Autumn 2019, Lewisham will become a hive of creative activity, celebrating the transformative power of the arts in our lives as we age…
Wilderness Tales continues its journey with the whole Entelechy Arts community through nature in different local outdoor spaces…
We are looking for a brilliantly organised General Manager to help deliver a busy and exciting programme…
Our Artistic Director is spending two months in Japan with the Saitama Gold Theatre Company making a version of BED. The Japan Times newspaper has written about the collaboration.
Entelechy Arts, Artistic Director David Slater is working in Japan this autumn on the next exciting episode of our #BEDTOURING project…
Congratulations to Molly Bretton and Fiona Slater who took part in Ride London this July to raise funds for Ambient Jam…
We are delighted to announce that in partnership with Attend, we have been awarded funding by The Mercer’s Company to continue Walking Through Walls…
Meet Me on the Move was at the beautiful Queen’s House in Greenwich on Weds 11th July to celebrate the launch of Elizabeth 1: Construction of an Icon…
We were delighted to discover that we have been featured in the US Department of Arts and Culture’s Art and Well Being Report…
Director of the Baring Foundation David Cutler writes a blog, and his latest is a response to the work we do…
TWO Entelechy Arts fans will be taking part in Ride London this July to raise funds for our Ambient Jam projects!
We found ourselves on the telly and the radio on Tuesday 8 May…
We are performing BED and 21st Century Tea Dance at Southbank Centre and need your help to make it happen, please…
Huge congratulations to Sinéad Norris for completing the London Marathon on Sunday 22 April…
Bed to appear at the (B)old Festival this May at London’s Southbank Centre…
Sinéad has been enduring a punishing training schedule for her Marathon run to support our award-winning artistic programmes for isolated elders…
We are thrilled to be part of (B)old, a new festival profiling artists aged 65 years and over at London’s Southbank Centre…
We are seeking a dynamic, imaginative, sensitive Director to provide strategic and operational leadership…
The score gives an insight into the complex process of creating an Ambient Jam. It comprises roughly compiled email correspondence, notes and sketches, from the Ambient Jam team.
We are delighted to have been awarded three year funding from City of London Corporation’s charitable funder, City Bridge Trust…
The London Borough Lewisham are bidding to be a Borough of Culture for London with a Love It Lewisham campaign…