
Our Response to Black Lives Matter

We will redouble our efforts to ensure that our participants, staff and Board are more representative of the wider communities that we serve…

Our plans to keep supporting

We hope you, and those who you love and care for, are safe and well in these uncertain and difficult times. We’re writing this to let you know about our plans during this difficult time…

Creative Ageing and the City: Symposium Report

Our Creative Ageing and the City Symposium (co-produced with the Albany) provided a unique opportunity to reflect on the opportunities afforded by sustained arts and cultural practice…

BED lands in Leeds!

Entelechy Arts And The Performance Ensemble perform BED in Leeds… 

‘The Home’ will be Live Streamed!

Tune in to our livestream from a fictional residential care home as part of The Home – a large-scale experimental theatre piece by Christopher Green…

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