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Coronavirus Updates
We hope you, and those who you love and care for, are safe and well in these uncertain and difficult times.
Since March 2020 we have been delivering our programmes remotely, ensuring our communities can continue to be creative, share and connect during the pandemic. These wonderful sessions continue to happen, and we are now in the early stages of planning a gradual return to in-person activity in line with government guidance. If you are interested in finding out more about any of our programmes do get in touch.
Sadly, some people who we have worked with have died of the virus. We have created a place of quietude to remember them and other members of the Entelechy Arts family who are no longer around. We celebrate the impact that they have had and continue to have on all our lives.
“It’s good to know there are people out there who know we still exist.” – Cluster member
“For me it’s keeping me going. We all talk on the phone…I’m grateful to you…don’t give up!” – Cluster member

Our Coronovirus update September 2020
Navigating Lockdown and Beyond. It’s now over six months ago since we shared our plans for maintaining supportive and creative contact with everyone we work with at Entelechy Arts…

Meet Me… Zines
Creativity continues to flow in Meet Me, even when we’ve not been able to meet together in person. We’ve been working with Meet Me members to gather and share some of these creations, poems, recipes and more through a new Meet Me Zine…

Rhythms of the Day
Created with and for people who are living with complex disabilities, visual impairments and dementia, this sound-based experience is designed to amplify and shift our interactions with the everyday…

Meet Me… on the Phone
Meet Me… on the Phone is a programme of group phone calls for our participants to stay connected during the pandemic. Each group has a different creative focus including Choir, Poetry, Movies or Craft…

Poetry by Postcard
In 2020, poets in Coventry and London had a series of exchanges with isolated older people by post and by phone. They talked about their recent and past experiences and their hopes forging two beautiful new poems…

‘What will survive of us is love’
The text popped onto my mobile screen. Jacqui, one of the founders of our beautiful Meet Me programme, had died of coronavirus early this morning, peacefully and not alone…

Our plans to keep supporting
We hope you, and those who you love and care for, are safe and well in these uncertain and difficult times. We’re writing this to let you know about our plans during this difficult time…

Actor Samuel West reads Rosie’s Poem
Actor Samuel West is Chair of The National Campaign for the Arts…

The Store Cupboard
Nearing the end of week one of the Covid-19 lockdown and at Entelechy Arts it’s business as usual, albeit in new ways: everything different, everything the same…

The show must go on…
One of our biggest strengths is now a threat. We bring formerly isolated people into circulation and visibility in our city. Now, with the outbreak of coronavirus, we’re faced with the challenge of how to take reasonable steps to safeguard our members…

Meet Me on the Radio: Resonance FM
New radio show launched to help tackle isolation in over 60s with The Albany and Entelechy Arts with Soundcamp…

Our Corononvirus Statement June 2020
An update on our work and programmes during Coronavirus…

Together, apart by David Slater on the ACE blog
Our Artistic Director David Slater has written a blog for Arts Council England about what we’ve been up to recently…

Keeping the Meet Me Choir going
How would they keep going in the time of Covid-19? How could choir members keep connected and creatively flourishing? Entelechy Arts intern and volunteer lead Caitlin Smith gives us a glimpse of the story…

Trocadero Tales
Trocadero Tales brings the past alive in the present through music, memories and archive of the famous Elephant and Castle Trocadero cinema, dance and concert hall…

Gnomes at Home
In July and August 2020, the Entelechy Arts team with our friends from the Albany are distributing 250 gifts to isolated older people living across south east London…

Ambient Jam Sonic Letters
Since Lockdown we have been sending our Ambient Jam members digital and sonic letters. These letters are created in the form of short films using sound, music, movement of light, dance, clowning, spoken word and painting…

Our strength, courage and imagination as a company continues to be nourished by all those who have helped make dreams become reality.

Meet Me… on the Radio
Started during the Covid-19 Lockdown, Meet Me on the Radio is a radio show featuring sonic journeys through Lewisham, news and sounds from the Albany garden, creative activities, provocations, and conversations with members and artists…

Cai Tomos – A film for the residents of Tower Bridge Care Home
There’s something about the ordinary and extraordinary. Micro and macro and everyday glamour…

Finding your way back out
Entelechy Arts associate David Slater reflects on the strength of the charity’s theatre productions, the Meet Me programme and the power of working in community when moving through times of grief and loss…

Creativity calls – Meet Me at Downham
Two examples of how our weekly phone calls have created remarkable ways to build creativity into everyday lives – through music, dancing, cooking, storytelling and painting…

I Love Ambient Jam
Hannah James wrote this poem about her experience of Ambient Jam. The poem is performed by Lee Phillips which he recorded on Zoom with Hannah…

Singing ourselves out of loneliness
Meet Me, a creative alternative to day-care, is a lifeline for isolated older people from our community, so we were determined to find a way to continue the important connections between people, and the creative flow, during this difficult time…

Meet Me on the Radio Cooking show
Lots of rich conversation, cooking sounds and delicious sounding dishes from around the globe with music, memories and stories of ingredients flowed out from Resonance FM on Tuesday 8 December 2020….

Creativity at Home
During lockdown, we’ve been sending cards, creative packs, songs and friendly smiles to people’s doorsteps because we know that a friendly smile means the world. Here’s a snapshot of some of the deliveries we’ve made since March 2020…